IJ 6/1 (2016) – New Directions in Music Fan Studies
Special Issue Editors: Koos Zwaan, Mark Duffett
A special issue regarding changes in popular music fandom and the new methodologies that the study of this subject, with articles by Toija Cinque, Sean Redmond, Marion Wasserbauer, Alexander Dhoest, Pilar Lacasa, Laura Méndez Zaballos, Julián de la Fuente Prieto, Simone Driessen, Bethan Jones, Chris Anderton and Gayle Stever. Plus an article by Rob Ahler, as well as a selection of book reviews. Click here to access the issue.
Additional Editors: William Echard, Carlo Nardi, Sarah E Raine, Hillegonda C Rietveld, Jacopo Tomatis