Introduction: Digital Nation: Copyright, Technology, Politics
policy, copyright, digital music, Kim DotcomAbstract
This special issue examines issues relating to technological, regulatory and industrial change in the popular music industries. The issue draws upon on the breadth of IASPM international knowledge to present a diverse conversation about rights and revenues, particularly copyright law, structures and practices. The collection of national case studies here—Canada, Turkey, Britain, Mali, Brazil—reinforce the need to recognise the very local conditions and cultures that operate, even as leading copyright exporters (such as the U.S.) attempt global regulation. In the introduction we also discuss an infamous digital music entrepreneur, Kim Dotcom, an outrider who refuses to observe national and global copyright law.References
G., M. (2012) Megaupload Goes Down. 21 January. The Economist. Accessed: 16 May 2013.
Dotcom, Kim (2011) Kim Dotcom—Megaupload Song HD. MrKimDotcom YouTube Channel. Accessed: 2 Apr 2013.
Hardt, Michael and Negri, Antonio (2000) Empire. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
Hutchison, Jonathan (2012) Megaupload Founder Goes from Arrest to Cult Hero. The New York Times. 3 July. Accessed: 2 April 2013.
Johns, Adrian (2011) Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Mills, Ellinor (2011) Mystery Surrounds Universal’s Takedown of Megaupload and You Tube Video. C/Net.17 December. Accessed: 2 Apr 2013.
Whittacker, Zack (2012) 'Last rites' for ACTA? Europe Rejects Antipiracy Treaty. CNet. 4 July. Accessed 20 May 2013.
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