Keeping it Country while Dancing with the Elite


  • Stian Vestby Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN UNIVERSITY); Member of IASPM Norden Branch


Country music, festival audiences, class distinctions, cultural policy, quality judgements, musical gentrification


This article examines programme and audience development at the Norwegian Country Meeting after this festival achieved status as a Norwegian hub festival for country music in 2012. Building on ethnographic data, this article focuses on the effects cultural policies and authoritative criteria for aesthetic quality have had on a popular musical event. The results show how cultural policy may be operationalized based on the dominating preferences of the cultural elite. In this context ‘musical gentrification’ (Dyndahl et al. 2014), a structural phenomenon in which low culture is absorbed into the legitimate culture with inclusionary and exclusionary outcomes, becomes a central theoretical concept. The significance of the study is reflected in its descriptions of how cultural practices and policies relate to wider systems of power and socio-aesthetic inequality.

Author Biography

Stian Vestby, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN UNIVERSITY); Member of IASPM Norden Branch

Associate Professor at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, INN University



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