Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): Dance & Protest

					View Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): Dance & Protest

This special issue has brought together examples of dance, music, and protest from around the world. From twerking in Argentina, public dancing in Iran, hip hop performance as activism, the Umbrella protests in Hong Kong, and hardbass masked dances in the Czech Republic, this special issue reveals the complex and nuanced ways that dance and music intersect in the performance of protest on a global scale. However, our special issue does not simply bring together examples and analyses of protest buthas also been coordinated as a type of protest. In an attempt to contribute to the destabilisation of the privileging of the English language in academia, one of the articles featured is in Spanish. We also feature artist statements in an effortto further render visible the activist voice, which is often absent from spaces and platforms of academic privilege. These artist statements share insights into the transformative potential of dance, whetherthrough performance or therapy. Finally, we believe that the interdisciplinarity of this issue is a kind of protest in the bringing together of dance studies and popular music studies. Our editorial team is a mix of scholars working in the fields of dance and popular music studies, resisting,and expanding notions of what it isto be a popular music studies scholar and/or a dance studies scholar

Published: 31-07-2023